Upload any image of Mum, Baby or the family and we will make it as a PG Mini Keychain.
Our made-to-order items are the perfect accessory for Mum!
Note: We will not edit, add or remove things in the uploaded image. We will always design the keychain to ensure durability.
Personalised keychain:
Upload your photo or design. (3:2 ratio for the best results)
The better quality the image the better the results.
Head and full-body photos generally are the best.
Sizes may vary depending on the image.
Ready for dispatch in 3–7 business days.
Superior features:
Manufactured with industrial-grade materials and adhesives.
Durable and scratch-resistant finishes that ensures reasonable longevity.
Includes a 30 mm (1.2") diameter nickel steel plated split ring(s).
Double jump ring to ensure your keychains are comfortable in your pocket.
Replica design accuracy with optional image reference upload.
Designed, packed, built and quality controlled by a real human.
The Original product!
Please note: Keychain images are a guide only. There may be small variations to colour and spacing. To see this product and more in context, visit our Instagram account →@plategame